Awesome ImageAbout Our Company

A team of reliable and experienced Contractors

We GILLD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has accumulated skills and experience in design and building solutions and related engineering works. Our objective is to provide our clients with guaranteed services when we are chosen to execute their projects.

To be a respectable building contractor delivering beyond expectation, always

To procure project at competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions and deliver quality work within reasonable time frame.

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Works of


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Building and Civil contractor – executing of all major projects in Tanzania and globally. We b e l i e v e our b u s i n e s s must go b e y o n d thet r a d i t i o n a l construction practice and we s eek to add value t h r o u g h our p r o f e s i o n a l experience and from others in order to enhance the n e e d s of our clients and the n a t io n at the large 

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Great Experience in building

We Provide Effective

About Us


Quality products for every Service.

High Quality Materials

We deliver high quality products throught each activity.

Professional Workers

Fast response time refers to the amount of time it takes


We work closely with our colleagues, clients, and partners to achieve mutually-beneficial outcomes.

Fast response Time

Fast response time refers to the amount of time it takes